Working together for a cause
Looking to raise some money? Let us help! Entomica's fun, unique, and popular fundraising ideas are a hit, with the funds to show it.
Most recently Entomica helped raise $500 for the United Way with our Cockroach Races. They were buggy about this fundraiser.
See options below! Have a question, idea or want to book fundraiser? Contact us!

Fundraisers Ideas
Cockroach Races
Hilarious, and so much fun! Participants race a cockroach of their choice by gently blowing on them with a straw to encourage the roaches to pass the finish line in a cardboard track. We have a variety of cockroaches to choose from. Venue, and other details are open for discussion. Let's collaborate!
Fear Factor
Cockroaches crawling on faces? Test your limits! Have a boss or coworker you'd like to challenge? Raising funds will be an added bonus. We have a variety of cockroaches to choose from. Venue, and other details are open for discussion. Let's collaborate!
Have an idea that isn't listed here? We're listening!
email: bugus@entomica.com